Administrative Ministry

Administrative Ministry

Finance Committee

We assist the pastor with all matters dealing with finance and budget. We are also a clearinghouse for all the organizations to exchange news and ideas dealing with the parish. Members are appointed to these committees by the Pastor. For more information, contact the coordinator, Martha Soliz at 361-522 3199

Parish Pastoral Council

It is a collaborative body of the Christian faithful whose purpose is the promotion of the mission of Jesus Christ and His Church in its entirety. It shall at all times work in close collaboration with the pastor of the parish advising him in matters pertaining to pastoral ministry. The council is a consultative body and through it's insights, expertise and prudent advise will help the pastor identify, implement and evaluate those pastoral initiatives and policies best suited to spread the Gospel. For more information, contact the Council President 

Festival Committee

The Parish Festival Committee plans and coordinates all aspects of the annual parish festival, which is usually held in the first weekend of August each year. We are always looking for new volunteers and fresh ideas to make our festival a safe and fun attraction to all ages. New members are encouraged to start early in the year (February) so we can be set once festival time comes. For more information please contact the parish office.

Office Volunteers

Volunteers are needed in the Parish office to do clerical work, copying, stuffing envelopes and the Parish Bulletin. Your help is greatly appreciated, as we have many groups requesting help from the Parish office. We always have a good time doing these tasks and it is a great way to meet other parishioners. For more information, contact the  Elvira Ruiz, Parish Secretary at 361- 592-3489

Offertory Counters

Volunteers are needed to help with counting our weekly collection for the parish. The counting is almost always done on Monday mornings.  For more information, contact the coordinator, Martha Soliz at (361)-522-3199

Grounds and Landscape

The grounds and landscape team is responsible for presenting an attractive "first impression" of the parish grounds. Their primary jobs are to cut the grass, water, trim and fertilize the lawns, prune trees and bushes, maintain sprinkler systems, and assist in the planting and maintenance of planter beds, as needed. New ideas are always welcome for improving the lawns and gardens around the parish buildings. You can talk with the Parish Council President and design your work. For more information, contact the parish office at 361-592-3489.

Church Care

Church Care Ministers are committed to maintaining the beauty and cleanliness of the whole church. Individuals, families, or groups of people sign up for weekly cleaning at each facility (once a month), including (but not limited to) emptying and cleaning holy water fonts, straightening hymnals and dusting pews, picking up stray objects (paper, etc.), straightening the sacristy, and cleaning sinks.

The Coordinators:

Altar Servers : Kristy Silguero (361)522-2367

Altar Society: (361)446-1627

CCD/RCIC : Mary Pena (361)-455 -8929

Eucharistic Ministry : Velma Sanchez (361)539-7430

Lectors : Patsy R Garza (361)779-4577

Music : Raymond Mendez (361)-455-9636, Emma Sanchez (361)-522-8071

Parish Institutions and Chair Persons

Parish Council :

Finance Council : Martha Soliz (361)522-3199

Parish Family Fest : Angelica Guerra - (361)455-9028 & Juan Sanchez - (361)562-8497

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